The school for enlightenment

This Meaningless life!

This Meaningless life! This Meaningless life! Life has no meaning! In this sense, there is no meaning in everything that we do. We’re taught importance to everything we do and experience- either by our family, ancestors, or past human civilisation. So, we developed meaning in our lives in the beginning. We were so excited with […]

Our relationships in life

Our relationships in life Our relationships in life. We have many relationships in life. From the time we were born, we have encountered many people and built many relationships until now. Each connection sparks different elements in us and helps us grow and realise more about ourselves and others. But many of them last, and […]

What is this journey of life?

What is this journey of life? What is this journey of life?   Journey to where? Where is our destination? Do we know our goal, or is it that we follow others?    We feel we are constantly travelling, constantly eager to get somewhere, and find it hard to stay where we are?    We […]

Living our Lives has not been easy

Living our Lives has not been easy Living our Lives has not been easy; it seems like a difficult path to tread on! The obstacles in life are many -like trying to overcome our cravings, attractions, excitements, and several unhappy experiences. With all of these things unresolved, it is not easy to live our lives. […]

How to arrive at a balance?

How to arrive at a balance? How to arrive at a balance? But how do you get there? Do we all want to be balanced in life? I am sure we do, but It is constant thinking of good vs evil, happy vs sad or extreme vs non-extreme behaviour? Or is balanced a result of […]

What is my real age? How old am I?

What is my real age? How old am I? What is my real age? How old am I?  However long you have had this body – that’s how old your body is. However long you have used your knowledge without accumulating others, that’s how old your mind is. However long you have shared your love […]

What is your language of life?

What is your language of life? What is your language of life? What language do you understand in life? Discovering your language first can help you to reach the source of all! Do you understand the language of health, fitness, activity, or sport? Do you see this as your world and live through it, or […]

We are living our existence

We are living our existence We are living our existence. Living our existence is very difficult to comprehend. Because we are so used to living in a limited body, limited thinking, and deep emotions, we are continuously looking for love, constantly seeking to discover whom we are, aspiring to live a new life, and trying […]

How to reach the ultimate truth?

How to reach the ultimate truth? How to reach the ultimate truth? By being intelligent, you can reach the ultimate truth. The truth reveals to somebody who can observe the way the world works. See the way you act and can discover the truth in a situation. If you can move on, pick things up […]

Everything is already perfect

Everything is already perfect Everything is already perfect. The only thing is, we have misplaced it. We have so many elements that the ideal state is being disturbed when all of these elements play up. By understanding each aspect in its essence and putting this back in order, the perfect is resumed. Being aware of […]