How To Work For The Universe?
Section 1: Introduction
4 Topics
1. Introduction
2. The School for Enlightenment -Mission
3. What is this course about?
4. Your spiritual coach
Section 2: The Universe
8 Topics
5. Our personal love
6. For the greater good
7. The cause of suffering
8. Choosing the universe
9. Moving towards god
10. Staying where you are
11. To be complete with god
12. Circle of God meditation
Section 3: The Path
7 Topics
13. The right path to the universe
14. Accepting Universal love
15. The direct connection
16. The indirect way
17. What blocks the heart?
18. Keeping your heart free
19. What comes through you?
Section 4: The Universe Speaks
6 Topics
20. All as you
21. Unknowing
22. Purity of expression
23. The Universe Speaks
24. The final let go
25. Entering the vastness
Section 5: Formlessness
6 Topics
26. All the love
27. Having a relationship with the formless
28. Meditate with the formless
29. Discovering formlessness
30. Staying with formlessness
31. Universal being
Section 1: Introduction
How To Work For The Universe?
Section 1: Introduction
Lesson Content
0% Complete
0/4 Steps
1. Introduction
2. The School for Enlightenment -Mission
3. What is this course about?
4. Your spiritual coach
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