The school for enlightenment

Mind Mastery Signature Programme

To Elevate and Free Your Mind..

The Mind Mastery Signature Programme teaches professionals, executives, and business owners to enlighten their minds in 8 weeks without being a spiritual or mindset expert.

Overcome stress, anxiety, and mental overwhelm and transform your mind without giving up your possessions and achievements. 

You don’t have to travel to a spiritual land to find true wisdom or learn to understand various mental management tools and techniques all by yourself!

In 8 weeks, you’ll learn everything you need to know. 

How Does This Program Work?

Mastering the mind is possible, even when you have a busy life and career. It all comes down to which programme you use and whether it suits you. Most people don’t know where to look for answers and don’t have the right coach to help them and support their needs. Many people simply follow the advice of others without researching options and understanding their goals. 

Often people looking for answers get lost and tired in their search rather than actually finding the solution. Instead, I invite you to stop looking elsewhere. Put down your desire to amass information; information overload does not help you attain the results you need, contributing to stress.

A clear observation of your mental and emotional state is crucial. Our programme is tailored to each individual. An individualised mind map must be prepared to encourage meaningful transformation.

Many professionals and business owners struggle to calm the mind and find it difficult to know what meditation practices are ideal for achieving the best results. One-to-one support provides the essential understanding, communication, detailed explanation of your mental activity and thinking patterns for every situation. 

You don’t have to change your lifestyle to achieve mental freedom. Elevating the mind requires internal observation and does not depend on your outer life. 

Many professionals and business owners feel they need to change or adapt to a different lifestyle and completely move out of their familiar surroundings to achieve enlightenment. Doing this leads to letting go of a large part of who you are, your internal growth, which leads to an unbalanced life. 

 You can arrive at enlightenment without needing to be a scholar in philosophy or an expert in psychology. You don’t have to spend endless time on mindset tools, events, and seminars or undergo years of spiritual training.

The key to the total transformation of your mind is by learning to enhance your intelligence and by practising the art of observing your mind. You can calm the mind if and when required. This is a learnable skill. Following this programme will save you hundreds of hours per year on learning and practising different mind training techniques and getting frustrated without seeing any improvements. And most importantly, you’ll avoid wasting time watching YouTube videos or attending a multitude of transformational courses recommended by others.

Who Am I, and what is my background?

I am Smitha Jagadish, a spiritual coach. I was born into a spiritual family in India, and through three decades of living a spiritual Life, discovered many techniques and practices for enlightenment and inner peace. 

Through coaching I would like to help and guide people to elevate their minds and experience mental freedom. Through simple practices you can overcome mental habits and learn to observe your mind, leading to enhanced results. When you have one-to-one sessions and have private access to the coach, you can maximise your self-development. Through personal coaching, you get access to the coach’s in-depth knowledge, direct wisdom, and experience of the truth. 

During our sessions, you will be pointed in the right direction to save your valuable time, energy, and money without searching for another mindset coach. 

You may ask questions, expect direct support, and gain immediate feedback. You will also have an accountability call and learn how to implement what you learn each week. Through this programme, you will feel elevated and supported weekly and will scale and grow your life and business to the level you envision.

Client Success Stories

Let me tell you about Catherine. She’s a CEO and business partner who wanted to understand the intricacies of her mind to perform better at work and still live a balanced life. However, she didn’t know how to create change. She was tired of researching, getting nowhere, and seeing few results.

I met with Catherine and explained that she needed to step out of the intellectual mind for a second and view herself as an outsider, which would make her transformation easier. Through my 8-week Mind Mastery Signature Programme, she learnt the art of observing her mind. She began using her mind as a tool rather than be used by it. She overcame stress, understood her mental habits, and learnt how to free her mind and went on to maximising her potential that year. She’s saw how helpful these teachings were and now looking to open a new business focused on helping others better understand their minds.

Now, let me tell you about Sam, who was so caught up in his stock market business that he didn’t have time for his family or friends. He was constantly drained, and his mind never slowed down. He tried distracting himself by buying expensive clothes, going on luxury holidays, and attending lavish parties. But none of that worked.

After our meeting we created a mind map so he could see the origin and root of his problems. He realised his obsessive approach to his work would never make him happy. Instead, he began observing himself with detachment and saw that he completely neglected his body through his compulsive workload. So, he shifted his focus to developing excellent physical health. He also realised that his identity was not created by being a stockbroker. He, for the first time in his adult life, became Sam, the person, first. He detached himself from work and to live a successful life.

Lastly, let me introduce Nita. She held a high-pressure job as a pharmacy business owner and was constantly stressed and mentally overwhelmed. She couldn’t stay in the present moment as she constantly dealt with one issue or another. She felt her life was no longer her own.

After our meeting and implementing the meditation practice, we discussed, she began to more clearly see how her mind worked. She learned various effective mind transforming processes and dismantled old thought patterns. Viewing herself as an outsider, she managed to observe her strict beliefs, which stopped her from seeing a broader life. She realised that she unconsciously contracted her mind and now had new actionable tools to help her live a more expansive life.
The number of available courses and seminars teaching about mental mastery is astronomical. And most are complex or confusing or have no accountability component. This led me to utilise my unique techniques and teachings and create Mind Mastery Signature Programme. 

This programme’s approach helped clients achieve excellent measurable results in a short timeframe.

This unique and simple way also helped clients maintain a daily practice which helped them develop further, experiencing a sense of freedom in life and at work. Not only that, but their success also inspired them that they started to teach others to transform their lives using my simple teachings—their outward expansion contributes to the development of human consciousness on a much larger scale.

Tell me, if you’re a professional or a business owner, do you feel stress from dealing with daily problems? Do you have sleepless nights and feel overwhelmed by an overactive mind? Do you feel anxious all the time, having to endure the constant pressure from work and the people around you? Do these concerns affect your lifestyle or personal finances? If you answered yes to even one of those questions, The Mind Mastery Signature Programme is for you.


Poor Advice

With a bit of internet research, you’ll find much information out there telling you how you can make your life different and better. But I believe far too often poor advice is offered.

Poor Advice #1:

You need medication and must take several months off work. Instead, what you need is a way to solve the problem that doesn’t numb you or make you quiet.

Poor Advice #2:

You need a vacation, and everything else will sort itself out. But, taking a holiday will not make the problems disappear, and it won’t teach you the problem-solving tools you need.

Poor Advice #3

You need to exercise more and eat healthfully. However, though beneficial and perhaps relaxing, eating well and exercising excessively does not help you gain internal wisdom nor give you tools to settle your nagging mind.

Poor Advice #4

You need to take up a new hobby or sport to keep your mind off work. Truly, hobbies and sports are good distractions; but they draw your attention away from resolving the problems, and they do not actually teach you to overcome it.

Poor Advice #5

You need to read self-help books and watch videos of mind coaches and trainers. Yet this option will likely take hours, give you general or even false information, or confuse you even more as their solutions are not tailored to your exact problem.

What Makes This Programme Different?

With the Mind Mastery Signature Programme, you spend the least amount of time, money, and energy, and make significant progress. This solution helps you to get you out of your mind and not let you be slave to it. If you can implement one simple practice, your stress, mental overwhelm, and fatigue will all turn around. 

But not if you don’t make changes. 

If you’ve had enough of fruitlessly searching for ways to slow your mind and reduce stress, you’ve come to the right place. If you’ve realised self-distraction is not adequate for reducing stress, or you’re tired of learning new ineffective tips, you’ve come to the right place. You can click the link below and discover how you can apply the simple yet effective and measurable techniques of the Mind Mastery Signature Programme to your life. 

When you enrol in this programme we will talk about your current situation and create a mind map tailored for you, so you achieve the mental freedom you desire. You’ll identify your current challenges and the relationship you have built with them. Then you’ll learn how to separate issues apart, detach from them, and clear them out one by one. You’ll learn how better understand your mind and free it to do its best work. 

What’s Next?

Click the link below to purchase the programme.

Payment Item: £450

We’ll get to the bottom of your mental impasses. You’ll shift your perspective. You’ll become solution-focused, and together we’ll figure out and implement a simple and easy action plan. 

This Mind Mastery Signature Programme teaches you to master your mind. 


~ 6 hours of one-to-one coaching
~Weekly learning video, audio and PDF content sent
~ Weekly accountability texts sent
~ 24/7 email support.

When you join the programme, you’ll determine your starting point and where you want to go. You’ll get a complete overview and a quick action guide.

Take a moment to realise what you can do with the mental freedom? What your life could be. It’s beautiful, isn’t it? 

If you’re interested in learning more and getting started with the Mind Mastery Signature Programme, purchase the programme and send an email to to start your journey.